Our first "ICCT Saga Connections" event will be on December 3, 2020 and will feature the saga of the first Icelanders who came to settle in Ontario in 1874. Kinmount: An Experiment in Settlement involved hardship, tragedy and endurance. It’s a thought-provoking story and a great place to launch our Saga Connections seminars – with the beginning of our Icelandic-Canadian roots.
Join ICCT Vice President Gwen Morgan as she hosts this live webinar on this compelling topic. Joining Gwen will be speakers Don Gislason, author of "Kinmount: An Experiment in Settlement", Guy Scott, Diane Austin and Gudrun Girgis.
To purchase a copy of Don's book in advance of the event, go to: https://www.icct.info/shop
For tickets and more information, visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/saga-connections-1-kinmount-an-experiment-in-settlement-tickets-128374847625