The INLNA has been sustained by volunteer service and by in-kind and/or financial support from its member clubs, individual members, and friends. INLNA programs are supported by a combination of participant fees (e.g., Snorri West), membership dues, net INLNA Calendar revenue (sales and advertising), occasional donations, and partially by drawing down retained earnings (e.g., reserve accounts and term-deposits). Being able to continue and expand current INLNA programming and initiate new programming is only possible with your support.
As we don’t have charitable status and therein can’t offer tax incentives for donations, we rely on cooperation with like-minded charities and organizations, corporate donors, and collaboration with individuals and businesses for in-kind donations.
If you or an organization you’re affiliated with is interested in helping our fundraising objectives, please reach out to Below are some of our current fundraising goals and initiatives.
All Things Icelandic
USD $ 2,000 or CDN $ 2,000 per annum
$ 2,000.00 to cover: IT infrastructure, a high-capacity Zoom license, and honoraria for performers providing an hour-long program, willing to permit viewing on the INLNA website for a reasonable period of time. Committing to a schedule of guests/topics would be very helpful.
Support for Icelandic events
USD $ 2,000 or CDN $ 2,000 per annum
$ 2,000.00 to fund awards at $ 500.00 each to an INLNA Member-Club to register in, create, and/or participate in a local/regional Viking/Icelandic Event, open to the public, at which the INLNA would be represented.
International Visits Program
USD $ 3,000 or CDN $ 3,000 per annum
$ 3,000.00 to fund increased access to an IVP guest-artist from Iceland, e.g., providing a video of the artist’s presentation/performance retrievable on the INLNA website; domestic (Canada and/or United States) transit between INLNA venues when inter-city driving is impractical; and/or part of lodging/registration expenses incurred by INLNA Conventions hosting the IVP guest-artist. In-kind lodging when not available from INLNA hosts would also be welcome.
Matching Snorri and Snorri Plus Funding
USD $ 3,000 or CDN $ 3,000 per annum
$ 3,000.00 to fund dollar-per-dollar-matching, up to $ 1,000.00 each, for INLNA Member-Club offering a stipend to support a North American Snorri or Snorri-Plus participant.
Snorri West Tour
USD $ 3,000 or CDN $ 3,000 per annum
$ 3,000.00 (In-kind services and/or financial aid) to partially underwrite expenses incurred in a Western-, Central-, or Eastern- Corridor of a Snorri-West month-long tour for Icelandic young adults coming to North America, not covered by participant-fees or other sources.
INLNA Snorri Foundation Support
USD $ 2,000 or CDN $ 2,000 per annum
$ 2,000.00 to cover INLNA’s voluntary contribution to the Snorri Foundation to underwrite partially the Snorri Foundation’s provision of Project Management for each of the Snorri-related programs: Snorri, Snorri-Plus, Snorri-West, and the Snorri Alumni Internship.
Donald K. Johnson INLNA Film Screening Series
USD $ 1,000.00 OR CDN $ 1,000.00 per annum
$ 1,000.00 to cover expansion of the Donald K. Johnson-sponsored INLNLA Icelandic Video Series, i.e., the licensing fees to share videos, live-streamed or on DVD, for one-time use by an INLNA Member-Club willing to make them accessible to their local community.