March 21 @ 7:30 PM EST
Julie Salverson is an Assistant Professor of Drama at Queen’s University, Kingston, and Adjunct Professor at the Royal Military College of Canada. She is an author, playwright, producer and community animator who works with groups to overcome trauma and enhance resiliency through the exchange and development of stories. Julie discovered the story of a group of Dene (who lived on the shores of the Great Bear Lake where uranium was mined for the 1945 atomic bombs) had gone to Japan to apologize for their actions. In her book, Salverson traces the journey of the uranium from Canada to New Mexico and onto Japan. Along the way she examines the impact on the communities. Amazon reviewer comments how, “Questions of forgiveness, and the blurry lines between victim and perpetrator are addressed in a way that offers healing, but no simple answers. The result is unexpected beauty and hard-won insights that ripple through this narrative like stones dropped on still water as Salverson charts the influence nuclear arms have had on her own life and the lives of those touched by the various traumas of war, atomic or otherwise.” Salverson takes the reader on a journey from despair to hope and connection.
Julie is the grand-daughter of the famous Icelandic-Canadian writer Laura Goodman-Salverson. She is currently working on a biography of her father, in which her grandmother features, and we may have the chance to hear a little about this upcoming book. Please join the Icelandic Canadian Club of Toronto online by registering at