Gimli Icelandic Canadian Society

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Smallpox Memorial

Elva Simundsson and Jerry Jonasson walked to the the Smallpox Memorial at the Gimli Icelandic Pioneer Cemetery on the 21st of October. They took a moment to reflect on the courage and fortitude of our New Iceland pioneer ancestors. The earliest New Iceland settlers endured a deadly virus crisis over the winter of 1876/1877. Ten percent of the recently arrived immigrants in New Iceland died in the smallpox epidemic and the colony was locked down in strict quarantine for eight months. If you are near Gimli, stop and visit the Smallpox Memorial at the Gimli Icelandic Pioneer Cemetery (near the corner of Hwy 9 and Amisk Street). Pay your respects to those pioneers who endured a deadly virus outbreak in isolated log cabins without all the comforts and conveniences we have in our modern-day lives.