The Gimli Icelandic Canadian Society offers several opportunities for scholarships and bursaries under the following criteria:

  1. A scholarship of $500.00 to a graduate of Gimli High School who is registered in a course or program offered by the Department of Icelandic Language and Literature at the University of Manitoba or the Department’s Icelandic Field School programs.

  2. A bursary of $500.00 to a child or grandchild of a GICS member in good standing who is accepted into the ‘Discovering Your Roots in Iceland’ Snorri Program.

  3. A bursary of $100.00 to child or grandchild of a GICS member in good standing who attends the Icelandic Children’s Camp.

NOTE: A Gimli Icelandic Canadian Society member in good standing is deemed to be one who has been a GICS member for at least five years. Contact any member of the Gimli Icelandic Canadian Society executive or else e-mail the Society at for more details or to express your qualification for one of these scholarship/bursary opportunities.