Become a Member

Get access to exclusive resources and programs, join us for meetings and conventions, and help shape the future of North America’s Icelandic community. There are several different types of membership available.

For more information or to become a member, please contact us.

Chapter/Club Membership

Icelandic organizations in Canada and the US are invited to join us. Full members enjoy input and access to all INLNA programs, they vote at executive meetings and conventions, and they contribute to the activity of INLNA through an annual fee based on the number of adult members in their club - $4 each for up to 50 members, and $2 each for 51 or more, and have one vote per member at our Annual General Meeting.

Associate Membership

Associate membership is available for all organizations that have parallel interests to INLNA and wish to support our efforts to preserve and strengthen the Icelandic network across North America. Associate member organizations pay a yearly fee of $100 and have 1 vote at the INLNA Annual General Meeting.

Individual Membership

Individuals unable to join a local INLNA affiliate may pay an annual fee of $25.00 and have 1 vote at the INLNA Annual General Meeting.

Provisional Membership

Organizations new to INLNA may have a two-year trial membership in return for a fee of $100, although they have no vote at the Annual General Meeting. Upon expiry of this one-time-only membership, the organization will be encouraged to renew as a full member organization.